Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thy Majesty

Thy Majesty 

An array of splendor gathers to welcome the sun as a new day dawns. 
Colors abounding in such beauty all reflect their very best as they spread across the sky.
Not a day goes by when the source of light is not exalted with such reverence. 
Rising from the horizon, the sun's luminous rays penetrate the darkness which lingered over the land, now awakening all of creation.
Along with the sun's presence comes sight to all the earth's inhabitants, 
or to those who were called to the light. 
In it's absence we can do almost nothing except wait patiently for its arrival. 
Many times its presence is falsified-artificial-man made... All of these substitutes cannot and do not come close to the real presence of the sun. 
It is only the sun which can illuminate the earth with a life-giving light...we need it. 
As the day slips away and night rolls in, that beautiful array of colors, which welcomed the sun, 
once again gather to bid it fairwell. 
Tis the purpose for which they were made, or so it seems - to give the sun the reverence it is due. 
Though the sun soon disappears from sight, it never truly leaves us in complete darkness.. 
it's light is always with us. 
It leaves its presence with us through the moon, as if to remind us that it is always there, watching and lighting our every step.

~Kara Kelly~ 


  1. ...and you're light, my dear, never dims, it seems to reflect the Light of our Lord brightly. :)

  2. Wow! I love the symbolism in this poem! So beautifully written Kara! Our Earth and universe were made so perfectly to reflect the love, care, and beauty of the Divine. God is a true Poet! What a beautiful way to honor him with your talent.
