Monday, September 2, 2013

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

"With great suffering and concern I continue to follow the situation in Syria. The increase in violence in a war between brothers, with the proliferation of massacres and atrocities, that we all have been able to see in the terrible images of these days, leads me once again raise my voice that the clatter of arms may cease. It is not confrontation that offers hope to resolve problems, but rather the ability to meet and dialogue."
"From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my closeness in prayer and solidarity with all the victims of this conflict, with all those who suffer, especially children, and I invite you to keep alive the hope of peace. I appeal to the international community to be more sensitive to this tragic situation and make every effort to help the beloved Syrian nation find a solution to a war that sows destruction and death."
"All together let us pray. . . All together let us pray to Our Lady, Queen of Peace"
~Pope Francis

The Lady of All Nations Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all Nations, that they may be preserved from all degeneration. disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate! Amen
Imprimatur 2005

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