Thursday, March 20, 2014


When the words don't come
But the heart loudly screams
When I finally realize
Action's what love means

My feet start running
My hands start to serve
I gaze on the Cross
And gather my nerve.

Another's desires
Come priority
Good intentions turn
To reality

Love takes new action
The Word is made Flesh
Differences start
Converting to mesh

Persons assemble
Start taking their turns
Strong passions ignite
The Spirit's love burns

God loves His creation
He said it was good
Yet I ponder and question
What is misunderstood

Saints in the making
Still terribly flawed
Through the Mass perfected
A mystery awed

He gave Love Himself
When He sent his Son
Who taught that His will
Was God's Kingdom come

So I'll take up my cross
And accept His grace
So I can behold
Him soon face to face

Why wait for my Lover
The present is best
Why wait to take action
Until laid to rest

With a humble heart
And a willing soul
Let In His Service
Be my lifelong goal



  1. Wow! This is beautiful, I have goose bumps! How you managed to fit the TRUE meaning of our creation and existence here on earth, in such few powerful words, I do not know. Definitely Divinely Inspired Carol. It should be published! Thank You for sharing this with us:)


  2. Beautiful. :) Blessed to have you as my godmomma. Keep up your beautiful work and help me by letting me know how I can help you serve. :)
