Friday, July 18, 2014
A Saint in the Making! -Heartbreaking but so inspiring-
Promoter of peace-
Iraqi-born Mother Olga has devoted her life to advancing harmony in her homeland:
Polish Doctors fight abortion
Conscience rights are debated after a dr. was fired for refusing to perform an abortion.
Love this quote! 2 Saints for the price of 1:)
St. Anne Novena:
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
A conversion story I wish everyone could hear!
Thank You Carol for posting "Why Catholic" a beautiful conversion story!
I found one the other day, by accident on YouTube that blew me away! It brought me to tears. It is Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion from Protestantism... that began when he was a child! The video comes in parts that automatically play one after the other. Each part is a bit long but soo worth it! I especially love his unique take on how to love and appreciate our Protestant brothers and sisters for where they are now, and to see how very important it is for us to support each other, look for common ground, pray for each other and stick together on important issues that our society is facing (especially right now!)
Watch "Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion to Catholicism from Protestantism" (Full) on YouTube:
I found one the other day, by accident on YouTube that blew me away! It brought me to tears. It is Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion from Protestantism... that began when he was a child! The video comes in parts that automatically play one after the other. Each part is a bit long but soo worth it! I especially love his unique take on how to love and appreciate our Protestant brothers and sisters for where they are now, and to see how very important it is for us to support each other, look for common ground, pray for each other and stick together on important issues that our society is facing (especially right now!)
Watch "Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion to Catholicism from Protestantism" (Full) on YouTube:
Starting a new Novena- Will you pray with me?
John-Paul and Annie with are starting The St. Anne Novena on July 17th.
St. Anne is the mother of Our Lady and grandmother of Jesus. She is a very powerful intercessor!
You may have heard that unmarried women often pray to St. Anne for help in finding a spouse. But, St. Anne is also known to intercede for people for any request.
So, I hope you will join me in praying this novena for your prayer intentions!
On the "Judas" mystery - Pope Benedict
The name "Judas" is a dark one. Mystery surrounds the enigmatic figure of Judas Iscariot. Here are seven things we can learn from former Pope Benedict concerning a man who was both an apostle of Jesus Christ--and the man who betrayed him! |
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The Name "Iscariot""The meaning of the name 'Iscariot' is controversial: The more common explanation considers him as a 'man from Kerioth,' referring to his village of origin situated near Hebron and mentioned twice in Sacred Scripture (Gn. 15:25, Am. 2:2). Others interpret it as a variant of the term 'hired assassin,' as if to allude to a warrior armed with a dagger, in Latin, <i>sica</i>.Lastly, there are those who see in the label a simple inscription of a Hebrew-Aramaic root meaning: 'the one who is to hand him over.' This designation is found twice in the gospel: after Peter's confession of faith (Jn. 6:71) and then in the course of the anointing at Bethany (Jn. 12:4)." | ||||
An <i>Apostle</i> Who Betrays Jesus?"The Evangelists insist on the status as an apostle that Judas held in all regards: He is repeatedly called 'one of the twelve' (Mt. 26:14, 47; Mk. 14:10, 20; Jn. 6:71) or 'of the number of the Twelve" (Lk. 22:3).""He is therefore a figure belonging to the group of those whom Jesus had chosen as strict companions and collaborators. This brings with it two questions in the attempt to provide an explanation for what happened. The first consists in asking how is it that Jesus had chosen this man and trusted him. In fact, although Judas is the group's bursar (Jn. 12:6b; 13:29a), in reality he is called a 'thief' (Jn. 12:6a)." "The mystery of the choice remains, all the more since Jesus pronounces a very severe judgment on him: 'Woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed!' (Mt. 26:24)." | ||||
His FateJesus' choice to make Judas an apostle "darkens the mystery around his eternal fate, knowing that Judas 'repented and brought back the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood"' (Mt 27:3-4). Even though he went to hang himself (Mt. 27:5), it is not up to us to judge his gesture, substituting ourselves for the infinitely merciful and just God." | ||||
Why Judas Chose Evil"Why does he betray Jesus? The question raises several theories. Some refer to the fact of his greed for money; others hold to an explanation of a messianic order: Judas would have been disappointed at seeing that Jesus did not fit into his program for the political-militaristic liberation of his own nation.""In fact, the Gospel texts insist on another aspect: John expressly says that 'the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him' (Jn. 13:2). . . . In this way, one moves beyond historical motivations and explanations based on the personal responsibility of Judas, who shamefully ceded to a temptation of the Evil One." "The betrayal of Judas remains, in any case, a mystery. Jesus treated him as a friend (Mt. 26:50); however, in his invitations to follow him along the way of the beatitudes, he does not force his will or protect it from the temptations of Satan, respecting human freedom." | ||||
Our Own FateWe, too, have free will, and we, too, may choose the path of Judas in betraying Christ."The possibilities to pervert the human heart are truly many. The only way to prevent it consists in not cultivating an individualistic, autonomous vision of things, but on the contrary, by putting oneself always on the side of Jesus, assuming his point of view. We must daily seek to build full communion with him." "Let us remember that . . . after his fall Peter repented and found pardon and grace. Judas also repented, but his repentance degenerated into desperation and thus became self-destructive." "For us it is an invitation to always remember what St. Benedict says at the end of the fundamental Chapter Five of his <i>Rule</i>: 'Never despair of God's mercy.'" | ||||
Fighting Judas Today!"We draw from this a final lesson: While there is no lack of unworthy and traitorous Christians in the Church, it is up to each of us to counterbalance the evil done by them with our clear witness to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior." | ||||
How You Can Learn MorePope Benedict has more to say about Judas Iscariot. To drink deeply from his wisdom, be sure to check out the general audience he gave on the subject, from which the above quotations are taken.General Audience on Judas Iscariot and Matthias, Oct. 18,2006. Pope Benedict also has an awesome book on Judas--and the rest of the apostles. It's called Jesus, the Apostles, and the Early Church. Finally, if I may make my own small contribution, I have a book on the subject of salvation--a subject with which Judas is intimately connected. The title of the book is The Salvation Controversy. -Jimmy Akin |
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
“Given a freedom which is independent of God, independent of moral law, independent of inalienable rights as the endowment of the Divine Spirit, and America could note itself out of democracy tomorrow. How can we continue to be free unless we keep the traditions, the grounds, and the roots upon which freedom is founded? We could not call our soul our own unless God exists. Why, we would not even have a soul! Democracy has within itself no inherent guarantee of freedom; these guarantees are from without. That is why I say our Declaration of Dependence on God is the condition of a Declaration of Independence of Dictatorship." Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Feastday:St. Maria Goretti July 6 Patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape Birth: 1890 Death: 1902
Born in Corinaldo, Ancona, Italy, on October 16 1890; her farmworker father moved his family to Ferrier di Conca, near Anzio. Her father died of malaria and her mother had to struggle to feed her children.
In 1902 an eighteen-year-old neighbor, Alexander, grabbed her from her steps and tried to rape her. When Maria said that she would rather died than submit, Alexander began stabbing her with a knife.
As she lay in the hospital, she forgave Alexander before she died. Her death didn't end her forgivness, however.
Alexander was captured and sentenced to thirty years. He was unrepentant until he had a dream that he was in a garden. Maria was there and gave him flowers. When he woke, he was a changed man, repenting of his crime and living a reformed life. When he was released after 27 years he went directly to Maria's mother to beg her forgiveness, which she gave. "If my daughter can forgive him, who am I to withold forgiveness," she said.
When Maria was declared a saint in 1950, Alexander was there in the St. Peter's crowd to celebrate her canonization. She was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950 for her purity as model for youth.
She is called a martyr because she fought against Alexander's attempts at sexual assault. However, the most important aspect of her story is her forgiveness of her attacker -- her concern for her enemy extending even beyond death. Her feast day is July 6. St. Maria Goretti is the patroness of youth and for the victims of rape.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th! -Patriotic Rosary perfect for today:)
Apostles Creed for Conversion of our Nation’s Capitol.
Our Father for Holy Father
3 Hail Mary’s for our bishops, priests and religious
Glory Be for the Conversion of our Country
Decades: offer each Hail Mary for 1 of the 50 states
First Decade: The President
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Second decade: The Supreme Court
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Third decade: Congress
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Fourth Decade: The Governors
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Fifth Decade: Local elected officials
South Dakota
West Virginia
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Our Father for Holy Father
3 Hail Mary’s for our bishops, priests and religious
Glory Be for the Conversion of our Country
Decades: offer each Hail Mary for 1 of the 50 states
First Decade: The President
Second decade: The Supreme Court
Third decade: Congress
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Fourth Decade: The Governors
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
Fifth Decade: Local elected officials
West Virginia
Glory Be for the Conversion of our country
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